A NEAR MEMOIR: NEW POEMS from Beliveau Books is out!


Sunday, September 5, 2021, 7:30-9:35pm. Red Lion Reading Series, 23 Albert St., Stratford ON. I’ll be reading as Featured Poet, https://beliveaubooks.wixsite.com/redlionreadingseries/shows. 
Register: https://www.facebook.com/events/110970911119609/?ref=newsfeed

If you’d like a numbered copy signed to you, let me know, pennkemp@gmail.com. 
If you’d like a numbered copy, unsigned, please contact beliveaubooks@gmail.com.

The cost is $15, including postage. See https://beliveaubooks.wixsite.com/home/books.

But on September 5th in Stratford, it’s $10!

Readings from A Near Memoir

​Thursday, May 20, 3pm, 2021. Feature, Owen Sound Poet Laureate Open Mic series.​ Host: Richard-Yves Sitoski 
Sponsored by the League of Canadian Poets. https://www.facebook.com/events/169826411638195/?ti=ls

And Live!, Sunday, September 5, 2021, 7:30-9:35pm. Red Lion Reading Series, 23 Albert St., Stratford ON. I’ll be reading from A NEAR MEMOIR: NEW POEMS as Featured Poet, https://beliveaubooks.wixsite.com/redlionreadingseries/shows.

Thanks to a CAIP grant from the London Arts Council for time to write these poems.


“Diving into a new book of poems by Penn Kemp is like setting out on an adventure.” https://lfpress.com/entertainment/local-arts/poet-penn-kemp-celebrates-growing-up-in-london-in-new-book-of-verse? with a video of my reading from the book,  a poem, “Choose to Challenge”, commissioned by Brescia for International Women’s Day this March 8: https://youtu.be/dNC2sbZGp3c. And https://lfpress.com/entertainment/books/new-books-by-london-area-authors-offer-variety-for-all-readers-tastes.

“A new book of poetry from prolific Southwestern Ontario writer and spoken word artist Penn Kemp”, https://stratfordbeaconherald.com/enttainment/books/latest-work-from-poet-penn-kemp-published-by-stratford-micropress-beliveau-books.

On Line

Read Richard-Yves Sitowski’s review in “SUSTAINING CONNECTIONS” on http://www.sageing.ca/sageing37.html, P. 25.

Three of the poems in the book are linked online.

A poem in the book, “Choose to Challenge”, was commissioned by Brescia University College to celebrate International Women’s Day! Read it here: https://brescia.uwo.ca/about/who_we_are/choose_to_challenge_poem.php
This poem was presented to the University at Brescia’s Dr. Hanycz Leadership Lecture on March 8, 2021. To see a video of me reading the poem, visit Brescia’s YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThguVNENewQ #.

The London Free Press featured it: https://youtu.be/dNC2sbZGp3c?list=PLfojJEPqDqrTBdAxGfpQaPao8m_ynhfuI&t=11.

With special thanks to Dennis Siren, visionary videographer, for his videopoem of a poem in the book, “Translation”, dedicated to my father, painter Jim Kemp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMqzgfLJtws&t=22s.

“There you are”, from A Near Memoir, is at 8:14 in my Luminous Entrance: a Sound Opera for Climate Change Action, up on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9mS75i.

Endorsements for A Near Memoir: new poems

The poems in this unusually substantial chapbook reflect with charming insight on key moments and memorable forks in the road in the poet’s early life, then move to more sombre reckonings with mortality, the traumas of war, and the trees and environs of her Souwesto region, and conclude with inspirational “challenges” to us all in facing our uncertain future. Stylistic aplomb is underpinned, throughout, by mindful perception, impassioned concern, and a visionary verve.   
— Allan Briesmaster, author of The Long Bond (Guernica Editions)

d the deep without. It draws from the innermost regions of subjective consciousness while opening to social engagement and planetary awareness. The title suggests a genre both personal and universal, exploring the double lineages of family and the larger polis, our civic communities. Here we meet various members of her family, including her father, the visual artist. Penn has transformed his legacy into spoken word and a poetics where sounds and silences converge: “I still wait with paper’s white space till / words arise, images in words, watching them come into form…” As we participate, we are whirled into places where perception sharpens, and we too are transformed.

Penn Kemp’s A Near Memoir carries the reader simultaneously to the deep within and the deep without. It draws from the innermost regions of subjective consciousness while opening to social engagement and planetary awareness. The title suggests a genre both personal and universal, exploring the double lineages of family and the larger polis, our civic communities. Here we meet various members of her family, including her father, the visual artist. Penn has transformed his legacy into spoken word and a poetics where sounds and silences converge: “I still wait with paper’s white space till / words arise, images in words, watching them come into form…” As we participate, we are whirled into places where perception sharpens, and we too are transformed.
—Susan McCaslin, author of Heart Work (Ekstasis Editions)

A Near Memoir collects a confluence of poems around Penn Kemp’s beloved subjects: art, nature, community, the divine feminine, and flowingness of life.
—Sharon Thesen, author of The Wig-Maker (New Star Books)

Penn Kemp’s A Near Memoir: new poems explores the earliest stirrings of the creative imagination in childhood and the joys of associative thinking. With narrative skill and vivid sensual detail, it discovers and uncovers the effect of adult perspectives on a young mind, the puzzling life lessons of parents and teachers, the wisdom and heartbreak of nature. Ironic and lyrical, accurate and ambiguous, playful and profound, these finely tuned poems—whether enlightened moments or deep dives into an evolving self—flow with the ease and excitement that only a seasoned artist can bring. A book full of surprises and affirmation.
—Patricia Keeney, author of Orpheus in Our World (NeoPoiesis Press)

“Diving into a new book of poems by @pennkemp is like setting out on an adventure. You never know what you’ll come across and @JoeBatLFPress says her newest offering, A Near Memoir: New Poems, is no different.”

Hey, Red! Great poems!!!! So sensuous and lyrical and sly. 
—Catherine Sheldrick Ross, author of The Pleasures of Reading (Libraries Unlimited)

Penn Kemp ‘s book is wonderful in her mastery of language and attention to detail. A gorgeous read. A really great gift!” —Jude Neale

Nice day in the Grove for a new read from a dear friend and mentor, the magical Penn Kemp — Nick Beauchesne

A near Memoir has arrived and it is a treasure. So beautifully produced. With your life writings personal and planetary. And with such touching story-telling visuals. —Patricia Keeney

Penn Letter for October 2020

How to reach out in these pandemic times? Poetry will see us through.
I’ve been publishing, perhaps in compensation for social isolation.

New Published Work

Choice, for Harold Rhenish, Train Poetry Journal. http://trainpoetryjournal.blogspot.com/

For bpNichol

Shaking his mane,
holding his pain, he
roars with yellow
toothed laughter so
large it spills over
into song; birds

catch the drift and
carry on all measure
beyond any known
syntax into currents
contemporary all

Echolocations Magazine #18, October 2020.  And for the strangest tribute to bpNichol ever:  https://www.instagram.com/tv/CF0fI3tA1ef/?igshid=5unlmzn1xl97 @ 52.15. https://www.echolocationmagazine.com/

A Short History of Epiphany            

And what might the difference have been
if Three Queens came bearing gifts…“An
evolutionary epiphany,” Susan declares.

Imagine if the Queens came first, only to be
superseded by three patriarchs bearing gold
(the capitalists); frankincense (down a long
church history of swinging censors); sticky
myrrh (more generally used in embalming.)

Imagine what the Queens would deliver.
Hot water, hot soup, clean clothes, diapers.
Compassion, blankets, a room key to the Inn.

for Susan McCaslin and Katerina Fretwell

The Choice to Take… or to Receive: Bounty

<p value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80">                                <em> For Lynne and for our beloved Elders</em>                                 For Lynne and for our beloved Elders

Having found the elderberry bush at the time of ripening berries, you
and I return with buckets and scissors, even a step ladder. Round and
round the bush we go, stripping the tendrils of the tender black globes.

What jelly or cordial or jam they’ll make! I pull down higher branches
for you, till one lashes you in the face. Berries at the crown are the most
luscious, gleaming inaccessibly in full sun. How to reach the unreachable?

In our haste to collect as many umbels as we can, we trample surrounding
Jerusalem artichokes, goldenrod and jewelweed despite their sweet blooms.
Transgressing, we snatch the fruit rather than asking the bush’s permission.

That night, we spend hours separating poisonous stems and leaves from precious
fruit. You make jelly; I an elderberry crumble, both exquisite. But when we meet
next day, we realize our greed in grabbing rather than receiving such abundance.

So we return with sage and sweetgrass to smudge the bush and recite Green Tara
mantras, asking forgiveness. Elder has recovered overnight from our ravishment—
unripe umbrellas are fully ripe. The bush appears to offer them freely this time.

“List List”, Sad Girl Review, Issue 5, www.sadgirlreview.com.


“Wishing Well” has been selected from nearly 2000 submissions by the programme commission to be a part of the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival. The ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival will be taking place from 19 to 22 November 2020 in the Kino in der KulturBrauerei in Berlin. You can see Mary McDonald’s animation and my text on https://riverrevery.ca/text-of-river-revery/wishing-well/!


Here’s the update of my work of Playwright Biography Project: https://cwrc.ca/islandora/object/cwrc%3A53bf983f-2025-4c27-ae1e-86ddb0e11645, August  2020.

I invite you to my Page, http://www.facebook.com/pennkemppoet. Please do join my Facebook groups, Support & Promote Canadian Arts & Culture http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=27449691026, where you can post Canadian events! & Gathering Voices, http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=3992303404. Also we can connect on http://www.twitter.com/pennkemp and http://www.linkedin.com/pennkemp.